I'ma give you some instructions
That you can't be scared to try
I want you to touch it softly
Like the way you do my mind
It's got body and it's smooth to touch
The same way as my skin
Don't you be scared
To run your hands through my hair
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there
Come run your hands through my hair
Ooh baby, so don't you be scared
So come run your hands through my hair
It's been way long overdue
Just like these inches down my back
Usually don't let people touch it
But tonight, you get a pass
Spend my dimes and spend my time
To keep it real, sometimes, it's tracks
But I don't care
So run your hands through my hair
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there
Come run your hands through my hair
Ooh baby, so don't you be scared
So come run your hands through my hair
This ain't usually me
But I might let it down for you
This ain't usually me
But I might let it down for you
So come run your hands through my hair
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there
So come run your hands through my hair
Don't you be scared
Come run your hands through my hair
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