Ariana Grande - i wish i hated you Lyrics


Ariana Grande - i wish i hated you Lyrics

Hung all my clothes in the closet you made

Your shoes still in boxes, I send them your way

Hoping life brings you no new pain

I rearrange my memories, I try to rewrite our life

But no matter how I try to

And no matter how I want to

And no matter how easy things could be if I did

And no matter how guilty I still feel saying it

I wish I hated you

I wish that weren't true

Wish there was worse to you

I wish you were worse to me

Yeah, I wish I hated you

Our shadows dance in a parallel plane

Just two different endings, you learn to repair

And I learn to keep me in one place

So close and yet so far if only we had known from the start

But no matter how I try to

And no matter how I want to

And no matter how easy things could be if I did

And no matter how guilty I still feel saying it

I wish I hated you

I wish that weren't true

Wish there was worse to you

I wish you were worse to me

Yeah, I wish I hated you

"i wish i hated you" by Ariana Grande: A Breakdown


The narrator is grappling with the aftermath of a relationship breakup. They've kept reminders of their ex (clothes, shoes) but wish them well despite the pain. They try to rewrite their memories and move on, but lingering feelings make it difficult. The narrator even contemplates hating their ex to make things easier.

Main Theme:

The song explores the complexities of moving on after a breakup. It highlights the struggle between holding onto hope and letting go completely.

Key Words & Meanings:

  • Clothes in the closet, shoes in boxes: Physical reminders of the ex.
  • Rewrite our life: Trying to change memories of the relationship.
  • Parallel plane, different endings: Acknowledging that both partners may have different experiences of the breakup and healing processes.
  • So close and so far: The emotional distance despite a physical closeness in the past.
  • Wish I hated you: The desire to feel anger instead of lingering affection.

Emotional Analysis:

The song is filled with sadness, frustration, and confusion. The narrator feels stuck between wanting to hate their ex and genuinely wishing them well.

Narrative Parts:

  • The verses describe the narrator's actions (keeping belongings, rearranging memories) and inner turmoil.
  • The chorus expresses the central idea of wishing for hatred to make things easier.

Core Message:

The song portrays the emotional rollercoaster of heartbreak, where negativity might seem easier than processing complicated emotions.

Psychological Analysis:

The song delves into denial and the struggle to accept the end of a relationship. It highlights the difficulty of letting go and the temptation to hold onto negativity as a coping mechanism.

Overall Message:

"i wish i hated you" is a relatable song about the messy and challenging process of healing after a breakup. It acknowledges the complexities of emotions and the desire for a more straightforward path to move on.


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