Mavi Gri x Ozan Bayraşa x Simge - Bir Şehri Sevmek Lyrics


Mavi Gri x Ozan Bayraşa x Simge - Bir Şehri Sevmek Lyrics

ben bu korkuyu bir türlü yenemiyorum

hiçbir kere içimden söküp de halledemiyorum

denedim oysa defalarca yine denedim

kurşun gibi göğsüme saplanmış çıkaramıyorum

kimseler anlamıyor beni

zaman olmadı öğretmenim

sen bu acıyı bir de bana sor 

geçmişe takılıp kalmışım 

aklımı nelerle yormuşum 

beceremiyorum şu yaşamayı 


ardına bakma diyorsun öyle sever gibi

arkamdan ağlama ne olur dik durabilmeyi

sen öğrettin aşkı bana bu şehri sevmeyi

keşke öğrenseydim sensiz kalabilmeyi 

senle doğmuşum seninle ölemiyorum 

başucumda resmin gülümsüyor bana ben gülemiyorum 

büyüyünce geçer mi acım 

o da benimle büyür mü

ne bileyim hiç denemedim 

bu yol sensiz yürünür mü

"Bir Şehri Sevmek" Song Analysis


The song tells the story of a protagonist who cannot forget a city he loved and the love he experienced in that city. The protagonist is stuck in the past and is suffering from the pain of being separated from the city he loves and his lover. Throughout the song, we feel the protagonist's pain, regret, and longing.

Main Theme:

The main theme of the song is love and the pain of loss. The city and the lover are intertwined for the protagonist, and losing one means losing the other.

Part Telling the Story:

The part that tells the story of the song is the first two stanzas. In these stanzas, the protagonist expresses the fear, pain, and fatigue of being stuck in the past.

Part of the Essence:

The part where the essence of the song lies is the chorus. In the chorus, the protagonist expresses the pain of being separated from the city he loves and his lover and the feeling of not being able to live without them.

Protagonist and Their Experiences:

The protagonist of the song is a person who cannot forget a city he loved and the love he experienced in that city. The protagonist is stuck in the past and is suffering from the pain of being separated from the city he loves and his lover. Throughout the song, we feel the protagonist's pain, regret, and longing.

Keywords and Meanings:

  • Fear: The fear of being separated from the city he loves and his lover
  • Pain: The pain of loss and separation
  • Past: The past that the protagonist is stuck in and cannot forget
  • City: The city he loves and the memories he experienced in that city
  • Lover: The lover he separated from and misses


Subject: Love, loss, separation, longing Emotion: Pain, regret, longing, sadness Semantic Network: City, lover, past, memories, pain, longing Criticism: The song effectively tells the pain of love and loss. Language: The language used in the song is simple and fluent. Psychology: The song bears the traces of the protagonist's traumatic experience and grieving process.

Overall Message:

The overall message of the song is the profound impact of love and loss on our lives. Being separated from the people and places we love can be very painful.


"Bir Şehri Sevmek" is a touching song that tells the pain of love and loss. The song succeeds in touching the listeners and making them think.


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